You know you're obsessed with Magic Knight Rayearth
Hi! Are you bored? Need a cup of cheer? You've come to the right place! This little corner in the garden will surely enlighten you! Welcome to You know you are obsessed with MKR...
I first had this idea when I constructed my first page to Magic Knight Rayearth. Whenever I walked into a Rayearth site it is the same ol' thing, character info, story plot line, dadada... Enough!! So I made up my mind to have at least one interesting part on my page. And the YKYAOWMKR page came up. I must admit that was probably the only thing good about my old page, but at people did submit comments and suggestions. We got up to a hundred I think... Unfortunetly, geocities decided to team up with Yahoo! to steal other peoples' stuff so I had to move. During the process I lost all the comments people sent in and the stuff I wrote so now I have to start over. I'm sure you were all wondering why it took me so long to establish this. It's because I wanted to have at least 20 comments on here. So I hope you'll enjoy this little tribute to Magic Knight Rayearth and send in your suggestions. I'll be happy to put 'em up with the proper credits and such... Enjoy!

...you persuade your parents to buy you that white rabbit with a red spot on its head and can say the word puu...
...you paste a ruby jewel on your easter rabbit's forehead...
...you call that rabbit Mokana and claims that he is the creator...
...you firmly believe that the creator of all living being is a white, fluffy, marshmallowy creature that usually has a one word vocabulary: Puu!
...you hold a magic show that features Mokana the rabbit that can pull anything out of a hat...
...you write to the creators of X-files that you were sucked into a blinding white light on the Tokyo Tower...
...you tell them that you're totally convinced that you've been abducted by a special kind of alien that lives in the world called Cephiro...
...you go to the Tokyo Tower every day hoping to fall into Cephiro...
...you constantly cut your hand on the Tower's railing hoping to call upon Mokana so that he can take you to Cephiro...
...whenever your class take a trip to the Tokyo Tower you would scream 'there's a lady in white up there and she's crying for help'...
...your teacher excludes you from anything association with the Tokyo Tower...
...you convince your boyfriend to 1)dye his hair green, 2)wear it in a ponytail, 3)wear gold contact lenses, and 4)carry aound an ancient sword that probably weighs more than him...
...then you personaly cut a X into his face and draw a line on the bridge of his nose...
...you never call your boyfriend by his real name, only 'insert_name'-kun...
...your boyfriend breaks up with you because you constantly drool over Lantis, Ferio, Eagle, Geo, etc....
...your bedroom is a mini-shrine dedicated to your favorite characters in Magic Knight Rayearth...
...you kiss a poster of 'insert_name' every night...
...you wear the same t-shirt to school each day and the t-shirt says I
...most people have pictures of their loved ones/family members/pets, but you carry around pictures of every single character in Magic Knight Rayearth...
...you dress up as Princess Esmeraude, never go to school/work, only prays pityfully in your garden...
...when your little sister ask you why you're doing this, you'll say "this really cute guy with dark purple hair will come and take me away to his castle in the sky"...
...your school charge you with violation of dress code when you show up in school as Tarta/Tartra/Caldina...
...you went to see star wars and thought the show was puny because "MY AUTOZAM WARSHIP CAN DO WHOLE LOT BETTER THAN THAT!" and "HA! THOSE JHETI KNIGHTS ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO MY FTO"...
...the military intelligience come racing to your doorsteps threatening to kill you if you don't hand them you secret destructive technology...
...you threaten the military that if they don't get the hell out of your house you'll destroy the pentagon, white house, etc. with the flying mobile fortress of Chizeta and the flying dragon fortress of Faren(hehehe)...
...you claim that everyone has telekinesis and if everyone would just concetrate this world would be whole lot technologically advanced...
...for halloween, you dress everyone in your household as a character of Magic Knight Rayearth...
...All the boys in school luv you 'cause you dress up as Caldina and do the hypotnising thing...

Ok folks, that's all. I'll add more next time, but there's only so much a girl can do, so send in the those comments quick!! Brighten up this page with a little luv and charity, ne? I'm sure your heads aren't all full of mush. Just think up at least one suggestion, ok? I'd like to have this page back to its glorious self...
You don't wanna stay??

Comments, suggestions are welcome.
All the pretty background, buttons, and lines are from LuminEssence.
Copyright © 1999 by Lilianatha except for those marked otherwise. Built on July 7th, 1999.